Dear visitor,

Allow me to present the Corregidor's House, a different kind of place right in the heart of Puno (Deustua 576), next to the Cathedral and the Dreyer Museum.

Inside The House, you will find a traditional Puneño patio with plants, colors and wonderful smells, full history and beauty.

The ancient part of The House, preserves its original features, it is the one that goes from the street to the first patio. Its main characteristic is the second floor and the hall.

The walls of the ground floor are 115 cm. wide and they get narrower as they reach the top of the building. The front door, also original, is one evidence that lead us to The House's real antiquity.

The stone of the portico is the same type as the one in the towers of the cathedral. Notice that the cathedral's body has a different type of stone and a different carving style than the one of its towers and the reason is that they were built in different times, not only chronological, but also historcal and architectonical too.

Probably, that is one of the reasons why The House was classified as 18th. century's domestic colonial architecture.

Another reason of its atiquity are its tiles, probably with which the hall was completely covered; only four of them have been recovered, they are located at the top of the arch that lead us to the garden. They can be seen from the entrace door to the premises. These four tiles give us an idea of colour, texture and how the rooms looked like. They also tell us about their time of validity (16th century).

In the garden, several niches which possibly kept images in bulk, can be seen. The most beautiful and impresive is the one located under the stone staircase, which it might have been used as a small oratorical, sice the books and instruments for prayer were kept, can still be seen on the right hand.

In the patio, carved stones can be seen; on one of them (the one split in two), "Year of the King of 1732" can be easilly read. These kind of stones used to belong to mine porticos and in the case of the stones decorating The House's patio, they may have belonged to the mine of "El Manto".

The room with the street view balcony at the second floor, belonged to Silvestre de Valdez, just as it is shown in a lease contract dated in 1707. It seems to be logical if we bear in mind that the Viceroy, Earl of Lemos, put Priest Silvestre de Valdez in charge of the cathedral's construction and to supervice the accomplishment of this task in an administrative and spiritual aspect.

The House has suffered several reconstructions (1781,1810, more or less until 1905,1981 and 2001). The latest has preserved its most antique parts; it has rescued the second patio, constructed and reconstructed the infrastructure where today the library is located.
The House has a total area of 600 square metres, nevertheless only half of it corresponds to its original historical dimention, the rest has been anexed during the years and the other half is now part of the Dreyer Museum.